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Sexual Identity
Breaking the Silence: The Stories of Gay and Lesbian People in Children's Literature
Discusses how for gay or lesbian youth, the issues of identity and acceptance that are ignored both in life and in literature are not only profound but also dangerous. Notes that books that include gay or lesbian characters usually elicit a strong negative reaction to their content by vocal conservative groups.
Identity Formation and the Processes of "Othering": Unraveling Sexual Threads
Discusses the extent to which the processes of "othering" (marking and naming those considered different from oneself) fall into the physical and sexual realm. The paper examines three studies, highlighting the extent to which othering is sexual, naming and exploring what it means for current school practice in multicultural environments.
Making Space: Merging Theory and Practice in Adult Education
This book represents the beginning dialogue and critique of social, political, economic, and historical forms of hegemony operating in the adult education field.
Sexism Exposed: Films about Gender Identity, Discrimination, and Change
Reviews documentary and ethnographic films that examine gender-related issues, summarizing each film and analyzing its relevance to multicultural and social justice education. The films are: "The Fairer Sex?"; "Macho, 2000"; "The Pill"; "Step by Step: Building a Feminist Movement"; "I am a Man"; "The Body Beautiful"; and "Nobody Knows My Name." (SM).