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Role Models
Barriers to Effective Mentoring across Racial Lines
Discusses barriers to the effective mentoring of students of color by white faculty members and presents concrete approaches for dealing with sensitive issues that often arise in the course of the mentoring relationship. The main stumbling block is the faculty member's fear of the task.
Black Students in Teacher Education
Examines black student's experiences in initial teacher education, and reveals what still needs to be done before these students can receive the same positive treatment as their white colleagues. The author presents research revealing the various forms of racism, discrimination, and stereotyping that create these negative educational experiences and suggests what teacher education can do to prevent replicating them.
Creating Safety To Address Controversial Issues: Strategies for the Classroom
Presents seven elements of a safe classroom in controversy-driven courses, where students can exchange ideas rather than emotions as they learn and discuss. The elements are: collegiality, empowerment, role modeling, preparation, shared purpose, reflection, and commitment.
Mentoring: Sea Change or Athene's Deceit
Four case studies of mentor/student relationships show an organic model of mentoring among black educators in the United Kingdom that is an alternate to common conceptions of mentoring. This self-selecting and race-specific type of mentoring is not generally acknowledged or studied, but is related to classical types of mentoring in antiquity.