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Resistance (Psychology)
An Ethnographic Study of Preservice Teacher Resistance to Multiculturalism: Implications for Teaching
This paper examines student teachers' resistance to multicultural education, contrasting the expectations of teacher educators, as expressed in the literature, with the perspectives of preservice teachers from a required multiculturalism course. The study involved participant observation, with the researcher participating in the course as a student, completing all assignments and readings, and participating in class discussions and group projects.
Overcoming Resistance to Multicultural Discourse through the Use of Classroom Simulations
Describes how simulations, role plays, and other experiential exercises can be used in educational settings to reduce resistance and encourage discourse on equity issues. These techniques can bring new insights into professional development in multicultural education, raising awareness of hidden biases so teachers feel more comfortable in the classroom and do not reinforce stereotypes and negative patterns.
Reaction Papers and Journal Writing as Techniques for Assessing Resistance in Multicultural Courses
Writing reaction papers and journal entries has been a common assignment for multicultural courses. However, few individuals have discussed this technique in the literature in order to provide a model for those developing multicultural courses.
Student Self-Empowerment: A Dimension of Multicultural Education
Examined ways in which 27 urban ninth graders from diverse backgrounds displayed empowering behaviors and attitudes. Students clearly voiced that they were in control of their actions.
The Academic Language Gap
Discusses reasons for the deep resistance students feel about assuming the role of self-conscious intellectualizer and contentious argument-maker that is demanded by academic courses. Argues that educators will miss the point if, in their dwelling on texts, canons, and political philosophies, they ignore or romanticize this resistance.