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Reference Materials
A Student's Guide to Italian American Genealogy. Oryx American Family Tree Series
This book is designed to help the novice in understanding how to conduct genealogical research for Italian ancestors. A brief introduction to each chapter offers ideas on topics for research and resources to consult.
Bibliography of Race Equity/Multicultural Library Materials. 1996 Spring/Summer Edition.
This annotated bibliography includes all of the race equity and multicultural materials available from the Nebraska Department of Education's Equal Educational Opportunity Project. A table listing works by author's last name provides quick access to the topic and grade level.
Education: A Guide to Reference and Information Sources. Second Edition. Reference Sources in the Social Sciences Series
The purpose of this guide is to provide information about the key reference and information resources in the field of education. Sources include items published from 1990 through 1998, with selective inclusion of significant or unique works published prior to 1990.
Mixed Media: A Roundup of New Microform and Electronic Products
Reviews some microform research collections, ranging from government records to privately published historical materials. Topics reviewed include American Indians, educational reform in Japan, African American newspapers, women's issues, and various aspects of American history.
Published Sources for Identifying Notable Materials
Lists 100 sources useful to school library media specialists to help identify important materials for children, including books, multicultural materials, nonprint materials, and special features; and for young adults in the areas of books, multicultural materials, nonprint materials, periodicals, reference books and electronic sources, and special features. (LRW).