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Race and Ethnicity in Urban Schools
Beyond the methods fetish: Toward a humanizing pedagogy
Academic achievement of historically oppressed groups is affected by the societal power relations reproduced in schools and by the "deficit" perspective. Culturally responsive education and strategic teaching are humanistic approaches that respect and use the culture, history, and perspectives of the students in educational practice.
Extracurricular Participation and Academic Achievement in Minority Students in Urban Schools
Restructured extracurricular activities are a component in many of the proposed solutions for the educational problems of minority students in urban schools. This study investigates the relationships between participation in traditional extracurricular activities and the academic achievement levels of minority male and female students in poor urban schools.
Increasing African-American Teachers' presence in American Schools: voices of students who care.
Presents the narratives of several African American students to illustrate the impact on students of having or not having African American teachers. Students' descriptions of their interactions with and praise for African American teachers illuminate why recruiting more teachers of color is important not only to the profession but also to the students themselves.
Making Friends: The Influences of Culture and Development
This book takes a fascinating journey through the complex process of how children make, keep, and end friendships from childhood to early adulthood. Focusing on issues of disability, cultural diversity, and combinations of the two, the authors use participatory and in-school research models to reveal what really happens in children’s social relationships and why.
Other people's children: Cultural conflict in the classroom.
This collection of nine essays suggests that many academic problems attributed to children of color actually stem from a power structure in which the worldviews of those with privilege are taken as the only reality, while the worldviews and culture of those less powerful are dismissed as inconsequential or deficient.
Special Education or Racial Segregation: Understanding Variation in the Representation of Black Students in Educable Mentally Handicapped Programs
The disproportionate representation of black students in special education programs has been well documented, yet explanations for the overrepresentation are rare. Using a unique sample of U.S.
Unraveling the professional development school equity agenda
Examines major critiques from the literature on the Professional Development School (PDS) equity agenda and accomplishments, referencing works from literature on PDSs, diversity, urban education, and multicultural education. The paper focuses on issues related to poor or working-class learners in PDS settings and learners from non-European racial, ethnic, and linguistic groups.