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Private Schools
San Antonio School Choice Research Project. Final Report. Corp Author(s): North Texas Univ., Denton. Center for the Study of Education Reform
The findings of an investigation of both a private and a public school-choice program in San Antonio, Texas, between 1992 and 1996 are evaluated in this report.
San Antonio School Choice Research Project. Final Report. Corp Author(s): North Texas Univ., Denton. Center for the Study of Education Reform
The findings of an investigation of both a private and a public school-choice program in San Antonio, Texas, between 1992 and 1996 are evaluated in this report. The private program, sponsored by the Children's Educational Opportunity (CEO) Foundation, provides scholarships to low-income parents to enroll their children in private schools, while the public program, offered by the San Antonio Independent School District, selects students from across the district to study foreign language and culture ("the multicultural program").
Why Language Learning Matters
Most education systems prepare their students to function in the national language and at least one additional language. However, only one-third of U.S.