



part of the Education Reform Networks
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Communicating Appropriately with Asian and Pacific Islander Audiences. Technical Assistance Bulletin
Developing culturally appropriate prevention messages and materials for Asian and Pacific Islander audiences is challenging. It is important to recognize and respect their geographic, ethnic, racial, cultural, economic, social, and linguistic diversity.
Creating Safety To Address Controversial Issues: Strategies for the Classroom
Presents seven elements of a safe classroom in controversy-driven courses, where students can exchange ideas rather than emotions as they learn and discuss. The elements are: collegiality, empowerment, role modeling, preparation, shared purpose, reflection, and commitment.
Programming for Multicultural Competencies
Reviews resources for and examples of effective diversity programming and suggests multicultural competencies for program planners and their students. Argues that practitioners must consider multicultural competencies for themselves and their students as well as the issue of free speech.
Working Together To Prevent Violence
By cooperating with other district staff, law enforcement, fire and rescue personnel, and social services, educators can prevail over school violence. First steps are developing a well-trained team, an effective crisis-response plan, and an alternative site to accommodate students.