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Personnel Management
Accent Discrimination: Implications for the Multicultural Educational Institution of the 21st Century
Based on litigation patterns, discrimination because of accent occurs most frequently in colleges and universities, particularly in the classroom. Accent discrimination cases are unlike other employment discrimination cases because successful claims generally do not depend on qualifications, but on accent's effect on job performance.
Internal Mediation Services: Conflict Management in a Multicultural Higher Education Environment
Discussion of intercultural conflicts among college and university faculty and staff looks at the role of internal mediation services, focusing on steps that should be followed by the mediator, mediator attributes contributing to successful resolution, and the importance of mediators and human resource professionals developing an awareness of intercultural differences that are often the root cause of conflict. (Author/MSE).
The Business Education Index 1996. Index of Business Education Articles and Research Studies Compiled from a Selected List of Periodicals Published during the Year 1996. Volume 57
This index, which was compiled from a selected list of 45 periodicals published in 1996, lists more than 2,000 business education articles and research studies. Articles are listed under the following subject categories and subcategories: basic business, communications, curriculum, document, general educational issues,information systems, personnel issues,teaching issues,teaching strategies .
Tools for Tapping an Intercultural Gold Mine: Integrating International Staff into Your Camp Program
International camp counselors can enhance the camp environment and improve marketability. Guidelines for achieving a mutually beneficial international camp experience include hiring staff from a variety of countries, establishing a relationship before arrival, actively incorporating international staff into the camp community, incorporating international activities into the routine, including support staff in all-camp activities, and developing a buddy system.