



part of the Education Reform Networks
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Racial and Ethnic Diversity in Academic Library Collections: Ownership and Access of African American and U.S. Latino Periodical Literature
Measures ownership of and access to African American and Latino periodical literature, illustrating the successes and failures in promoting racial and ethnic diversity in research libraries belonging to the ARL (Association of Research Libraries). Discusses desirability of multicultural collections; bibliographic control and access issues; and correlations between indexing and ownership.
Resources for Multicultural Awareness and Social Action
Contends that many teachers do not educate elementary age students about prejudice because they lack access to appropriate resources. Provides teachers with an annotated list of curriculum, journals, and organizations they may use to help young students make connections between institutionalized prejudice, intercultural competency, and their own power to produce change.
Incorporating Popular Literature into the Curriculum for Diverse Learners
Discusses how teachers can use magazines written for culturally and linguistically diverse groups to increase their own knowledge base and to use as a resource for multicultural-education lesson planning in order to provide students with an opportunity to learn about high achieving individuals who come from backgrounds similar to their own. (Author/CR).
Bridges on the I-Way: Multicultural Resources Online. HAPI Online: Hispanic American Periodicals Index
Reviews the Hispanic American Periodicals Index (HAPI Online), which covers information about Central and South America, Mexico, the Caribbean Basin, the U.S. Mexican border, and Hispanics in the United States.
Published Sources for Identifying Notable Materials
Lists 100 sources useful to school library media specialists to help identify important materials for children, including books, multicultural materials, nonprint materials, and special features; and for young adults in the areas of books, multicultural materials, nonprint materials, periodicals, reference books and electronic sources, and special features. (LRW).