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Peer Teaching
Multicultural Education outside the Classroom: Building the Capacity of HIV Prevention Peer Educators
Describes the Wisconsin Youth HIV Prevention Institution, a program to enhance HIV prevention peer education for reaching youth at high risk, focusing on its intensive multicultural education and empowerment approach. Summarizes evaluation findings related to participation in the program and discusses implications of the program for HIV prevention peer education and other forms of multicultural education.
Peer Consultant Initiative Handbook. 1st Edition
This handbook was developed for those selected as part of the Kellogg Peer Consultant Initiative which seeks to promote the inclusion of service-learning into core academic curricula. Consultants provide teacher education programs and technical support to those educators developing new programs or strengthening existing programs.
Peer Consultant Initiative Handbook. 1st Edition
This handbook was developed for those selected as part of the Kellogg Peer Consultant Initiative which seeks to promote the inclusion of service-learning into core academic curricula. Consultants provide teacher education programs and technical support to those educators developing new programs or strengthening existing programs.