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Multimedia Materials
Integrating Multimedia Multicultural Materials into an Educational Psychology Course
Reports a case study of students' reactions to a multicultural unit that incorporated computer software, videodiscs, videotape, and print media in an undergraduate educational psychology course. Many students believed the multicultural unit increased their understanding of cultural differences and recognized the need to learn how to deal effectively with cultural diversity in their classrooms.
Mixed Media: A Roundup of New Microform and Electronic Products
Reviews some microform research collections, ranging from government records to privately published historical materials. Topics reviewed include American Indians, educational reform in Japan, African American newspapers, women's issues, and various aspects of American history.
Multimedia Pedagogy for the New Millennium
Describes two multimedia and CD-ROM projects: The Shoah Visual History project; and the University of California Los Angeles' interactive educational CD-ROM, "Executive Order 9066: The Incarceration of Japanese Americans During World War II." Argues that these powerful teaching tools help students better understand historical events, involve students in historical research, teach tolerance, and promote antiracist curricula. (SR).
Multiple Literacies and Critical Pedagogy in a Multicultural Society
Multiple literacies are needed to meet the challenges of today's new technologies and multicultural society. Media literacy is necessary because media culture strongly influences people's world view.
Reading Ability and the New Technology--Developments in Germany
This paper begins by examining various aspects of children's and young people's reading ability and the new media, including children's media use and ownership, as well as multicultural aspects. The way public libraries see their role in the teaching of media skills is then considered, including well-developed reading ability as a prerequisite of media skills competence, providing media access and teaching media skills, and library policy positions; the statistics on the library provision of new media with special reference to service for children and young people are also discussed.
Selecting Computer Programs and Interactive Multimedia for Culturally Diverse Students: Promising Practices
Discusses issues in selecting computer programs and interactive multimedia for culturally diverse students, including the necessity of including diverse cultural referents and acknowledging the cognitive style of students who will be using the programs. (SLD).
Technology as a Tool in Multicultural Teaching
Explores various applications of multimedia, interactive, Internet, and Web-based electronic tools to multicultural teaching, asserting that while sound classroom pedagogy and constructive dialogue are still very important in education, technology integration is a useful addition. Suggests that these new media broaden the form of materials available to students in multicultural contexts.
Technology Meets Diversity
Describes the development of an electronic book that provides a forum on the history and culture of Native Americans in the Lakota Nation. Illustrates how such multimedia programs can help teachers with multicultural education.
Technology-Transformed Dictionary Compilation: Drudgery into Desired Desktop Lexicographer Enchantment
Describes how grade 3-8 inner-city students created multimedia, multicultural dictionaries. Highlights student reflections on the project using Kid Pix software, and their ideas for future uses for the dictionaries.
Using Educational Technology To Teach Cultural Assessment
A module to prepare nursing students to conduct cultural assessments of patients covers multicultural health care environments, genogram skills, self-awareness, theoretical lenses, and cross-cultural communication skills. Instructional materials use multimedia CD-ROM and web-based technologies.