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Children of La Frontera. Foreword
The linguistic and cultural diversity of America's school population has increased dramatically during the past decade, and is expected to increase even more in the future. But, for many children of immigrant and minority families, U.S.
Diversity in Practice: Perspectives on Concept, Context, and Policy
Diversity is an idea that merits closer critical analysis. Many efforts to support diversity are framed by discourses grounded in conceptualizations of culture, difference, and identity that further the status quo, not multicultural understanding.
Multicultural and Disability Agendas in Teacher Education: Preparing Teachers for Diversity
Examines multicultural and introductory special-education textbooks to assess how each set of texts treats the other's issues. Analyzes conversations with teacher-education leaders addressing how their programs treat both issues.
Re-establishing Antiracist Education: A Response to Short and Carrington
Responds to the article "Reconstructing Multicultural Education: a Response to Mike Cole" in which Cole defends his views of antiracist education and the role of cultural racism, the teaching of controversial aspects of other cultures, reconstructed multiculturalism as opposed to student misconceptions, and nationalism within the context of Britishness. (CMK).
Reconstructing Multicultural Education: A Response to Mike Cole
Refutes Mike Cole's article "Racism, Reconstructed Multiculturalism and Antiracist Education" by addressing five main topics: (1) the new racism as a means to changing multicultural education; (2) representation of antiracist educators; (3) advice to teachers of controversial aspects of other cultures; (4) identifying students' misconceptions before imparting new knowledge; and (5) nationalism. (CMK).
Service-Learning and Multicultural/Multiethnic Perspectives: From Diversity to Equity
The "missionary ideology" underlying much of the service- learning movement results from decisions to "do good things" for others. However, this movement sometimes ignores recipients' voices and what they, particularly communities of color, might have to offer.
Service-Learning and Multicultural/Multiethnic Perspectives: From Diversity to Equity
The "missionary ideology" underlies much of the service- learning movement results from decisions to "do good things" for others. However, this movement sometimes ignores recipients' voices and what they, particularly communities of color, might have to offer.