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Maya (People)
Creating Montessori Bilingual Programs. Spotlight: Montessori--Multilingual, Multicultural
Discusses presentation given by Rigoberta Menchu, 1992 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, at a meeting with Hispanic child caregivers in California. Discusses family life and childrearing among Guatemala's Mayan people, traditional ceremonies and symbols, becoming a leader, and the Mayan experience of resisting oppression.
Reconsidering Rigoberta
Examines the appropriateness of Rigoberta Menchu's book, "I, Rigoberta: An Indian Woman in Guatemala," which examines the Mayan civil rights struggle, for high school and college classes studying multicultural experiences, explaining that teachers who understand the various challenges to the book will be prepared to lead thoughtful examinations of the story and its subtext. An annotated recommended bibliography is included.