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Material Culture
Culture Kits for the Elementary Classroom
Outlines an instructional unit where students construct culture kits illustrating a specific culture. Culture kits are constructed out of realia and other material including maps, travel brochures, photographs, newspapers, souvenirs, and other items.
Investigating Artifacts: Making Masks, Creating Myths, Exploring Middens. Teacher's Guide: Grades Kindergarten-6. LHS GEMS.
This guide interweaves activities with major themes in science and the humanities. Drawing respectfully upon the deep, diverse, and living folkways of Native American cultures, these activities help provide students with a wider understanding of their world and a greater appreciation for cultural diversity.
Patterns in Practice: Selections from the "Journal of Museum Education." Corp Author(s): Museum Education Roundtable, Washington, DC
This is the second anthology of the "Journal of Museum Education." This edition reflects the maturation of the field of museum education, reports on its evolution, and reminds the reader of the diversity to be found in the field. Introspective essays by numerous authors challenge museum educators to reexamine their goals, attitudes, work, and audiences they serve.