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Library Services
From "Stranger" to "Arrived": The Citizens' Library in England
Discusses studies of public library multicultural services in England. Describes multicultural programs in Birmingham and Brent that involve the citizens in planning and implementing these services.
Literacy & Libraries: Learning from Case Studies
This book presents 22 personal narratives in which library directors, program administrators, teachers, tutors, librarians, and adult learners explain firsthand how literacy programs at libraries across the United States have changed people's lives.
Reading Ability and the New Technology--Developments in Germany
This paper begins by examining various aspects of children's and young people's reading ability and the new media, including children's media use and ownership, as well as multicultural aspects. The way public libraries see their role in the teaching of media skills is then considered, including well-developed reading ability as a prerequisite of media skills competence, providing media access and teaching media skills, and library policy positions; the statistics on the library provision of new media with special reference to service for children and young people are also discussed.
The Division of Libraries Serving the General Public--A Survey
This paper provides an overview of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) Division III, a forum for the IFLA sections and round tables comprising libraries serving the general public, as well as special library services directed to specific groups of the general public, such as children, linguistic minorities, people with disabilities, and people in hospitals or prisons.
The Off-Campus Library Services Conference Proceedings (7th, San Diego, California, October 25-27, 1995)
This conference proceedings of off-campus library services includes 37 papers covering the on topics: Academic Libraries, Distance Education
Electronic Libraries, Library Services, Outreach Programs.
YA Spaces of Your Dreams: Welcome to the Reading Room: Lindbergh Middle School, North Long Beach, California
Describes the transformation of the school library in Lindbergh Middle School, North Long Breach CA that serves a predominantly lower income, multicultural area whose students are struggling readers. Highlights include painting, new furniture, and other physical changes; collection development and circulation increases; hours of operation; staffing; and programming.