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Library Collection Development
Implications and Strategies in Collection Development for Multicultural Education at Tennessee State University
This document profiles the role of Tennessee State University's Brown-Daniel Library in its collection development activities for a culturally diverse student body. It recommends that a series of goals and objectives be maintained in the selection criteria of library materials for students having diverse backgrounds.
Library Facilities and Books for Palestinian Arab Children
Presents an overview of libraries and related services for Palestinian Arab Children in the Haifa and Galilee regions of Israel and on the West Bank based on interviews with librarians and educators between 1993 and 1996. Covers funding, organization, collection development, censorship, staffing, and programming.
Published Sources for Identifying Notable Materials
Lists 100 sources useful to school library media specialists to help identify important materials for children, including books, multicultural materials, nonprint materials, and special features; and for young adults in the areas of books, multicultural materials, nonprint materials, periodicals, reference books and electronic sources, and special features. (LRW).
Selecting Books for the Elementary School Library Media Center: A Complete Guide
This book focuses on the selection of books in an elementary school and on the resources designed to help in that process. Resources that support other aspects of collection development are identified, along with a number of established surveys of children's literature that discuss specific titles.
The Elementary School Library Collection: A Guide to Books and Other Media, Phases 1-2-3. 20th Edition
This collection development aid lists more than 10,000 titles of children's materials available in a variety of formats (in addition to print materials, the guide also includes sound recordings, video cassettes, microcomputer software programs, CD-ROM products, and videodiscs).
YA Spaces of Your Dreams: Welcome to the Reading Room: Lindbergh Middle School, North Long Beach, California
Describes the transformation of the school library in Lindbergh Middle School, North Long Breach CA that serves a predominantly lower income, multicultural area whose students are struggling readers. Highlights include painting, new furniture, and other physical changes; collection development and circulation increases; hours of operation; staffing; and programming.