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Leadership Responsibility
Campus Diversity: Presidents as Leaders
Many in higher education look to student affairs for leadership in diversity awareness and multicultural understanding, yet, successful campus initiatives cannot be sustained without commitment and participation by and from faculty, students, and administrators. Argues that the commitment and support to and for multicultural understanding will not materialize without visible proactive leadership from university presidents.
Curricular Approaches To Developing Positive Interethnic Relations
Examines how curricular approaches have helped build positive interethnic relations in a large, ethnically diverse high school, documenting four curricular approaches teacher leaders used to address issues of race and ethnicity and exploring the impact of those approaches on student learning. Illuminates how teacher leaders and administrators created the conditions for these curricular reforms to be sustainable.
Leadership and Teaching in Four Schools with Varied Organizational Structures and Social Contexts
Since educational administrators must study leadership as related to improving classroom instruction, the purpose of this study was to determine if any patterns existed in the relationship between leadership and teaching reform in four previously published case studies.