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Language Processing
Lectura y Vida: Revista Latinoamericana de Lectura. (Reading and Life: Latin American Reading Magazine). 1998. Corp Author(s): International Reading Association, Newark, DE
The four 1998 issues of the journal on literacy education, entirely in Spanish, include these articles: "The Inevitable Radical Weakness of Language: Some Reflections about Forming Readers and Citizens" (Daniel Goldin); "Relationships among Reading and Writing, Thematic Units, Learning Through Research...In Search of Effective Instruction for Whole Language" (Timothy Shanahan); Comprehension and Textual.
Lectura y Vida: Revista Latinoamericana de Lectura. (Reading and Life: Latin American Reading Magazine). 1998. Corp Author(s): International Reading Association, Newark, DE
The four 1998 issues of the journal on literacy education, entirely in Spanish, include articles on:- Bilingual Education, Language Processing, Learning Processes, Literacy Education, Reading Instruction, Writing Instruction, Classroom Techniques.