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Journalism Education
A New Instrument to Measure Diversity in the Curriculum
Gauges inclusion of diversity issues and discussion within journalism and mass communication classes from students' perspectives. Finds instructors at nonaccredited programs scored better on every diversity variable; women instructors were far more likely to bring diversity issues into the classroom; part-time instructors did best on the diversity index; and instructors included more diversity issues in classes with minority enrollment.
Assessing Education's Response to Multicultural Issues
Finds that, according to responses by administrators, most journalism/mass communication units accredited by the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication seem to have done somewhat more than unaccredited units to sensitize students to a multicultural society and to hire minority faculty and recruit minority students. (SR).
L'enseignement de la diversite culturelle, c'est une responsabilite collective (The Teaching of Cultural Pluralism, a Collective Responsibility)
Following September 11, some students in a computer-assisted journalism lab in Canada made disgraceful comments based on ignorance and misinformation regarding the school's Arabic-speaking members. However, a few articles and two news reports helped change the atmosphere as students began to recognize the individuals within stereotyped groups.
Preparing Tomorrow's Journalists for a Multicultural America
Describes activities to enhance multicultural awareness for high school journalism students. Provides step-by-step instructions for 15 exercises.