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A Student's Guide to Jewish American Genealogy. Oryx American Family Tree Series
This book provides a step-by-step guide to genealogical research in the United States and other countries for Jewish Americans. The book also contains information on the history of the Jews, including the Diaspora, the Holocaust, immigration to the United States, and the establishment of the modern state of Israel.
Combating Racism and Hate in Canada Today: Lessons of the Holocaust
Maintains that the Holocaust was the catalyst for Canadian antihate legislation. Maintains that, to combat racism and bigotry, it is necessary to use three important tools: (1) the law; (2) community action; and (3) education.
Cooperative Learning in Israel's Jewish and Arab Schools: A Community Approach
Describes the creation of the cooperation, investigation, literacy, and community (CILC) model within a holistic educational project in Acre, a Jewish-Arab mixed city in northern Israel, focusing on the implementation of cooperative learning at the schools and the work of the dropout investigative task force which was created to build community in the city and prevent dropout. (SM).
Developing Intercultural Communication and Understanding through Social Studies in Israel
Discusses the problems related to cultural pluralism, differences among the groups living in Israel, and social studies education within Israel. Focuses on the sociology curriculum, offering a rationale, description, and information about intercultural education.
Teaching and Learning about the Holocaust through Visiting an Exhibition
Evaluates a teaching initiative that aimed to teach about the Holocaust through a traveling exhibit on Anne Frank. Data from 10 case study schools show the success of the approach and some ways in which the teaching relevance might have been strengthened.
The Spirit That Moves Us: A Literature-Based Resource Guide. Teaching about Diversity, Prejudice, the Holocaust, and Human Rights. Volume 1: Grades K-4. Revised [and] The Spirit That Moves Us: A Literature-Based Resource Guide. Teaching about the Holocaust and Human Rights. Volume 2: Grades 5-8
This two-volume resource guide includes lesson plans and bibliographical references for teaching about the Holocaust. The first volume, revised in 1999, covers grades K-4, and the second volume, published in 1997, covers grades 5-8.