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Internship Programs
The Status of Multicultural Counseling Training at Counseling Center Internship Sites
The current status of multicultural-counseling training at university counseling-center predoctoral internship sites was evaluated. Fifty training directors completed a mailed survey, and the results contribute to an understanding of graduate training programs.
Leaving Authority at the Door: Equal-Status Community-Based Experiences and the Preparation of Teachers for Diverse Classrooms
Describes a cross-cultural, equal status internship designed to prepare teachers for diverse classrooms, examining its influence on prospective teachers' emerging sociocultural perspectives and raced identities and exploring successes and challenges of this experience and what has been learned about supporting more mature anti-racist identities in the 3 years that students have been engaged in this internship.(SM).
Delta Pi Epsilon National Research Conference Proceedings (Indianapolis, Indiana, November 14-16, 1996)
It is a collectio of 34 papers.The papers contains articles related to attitude and motivation;teacher student;government university collaboration relationship etc.
Embedded Preservice Teacher Education: Sophomore Multicultural Internship
This paper describes the Sophomore Multicultural Internship for preservice teachers at Moorhead State University, Minnesota. From 1990-95, the program immersed preservice teachers in cross-cultural encounters and K-12 clinical experiences intended to: engender enlightened tolerance; provide an embedded context for making moral choices to pursue careers in teaching; prepare beginning teachers to address increasingly diverse groups of learners in contemporary classrooms; and affirm the connective tissue between professional education coursework and the kinds of decisions that confront teachers in diverse contexts.
Transformative Training: A Year-Long Multicultural Counseling Seminar for Graduate Students
Describes a year-long multicultural training seminar for psychology and social work interns in a university counseling center. Discusses the experiential, cross-disciplinary, peer-based multiformat structure of the group.
Multicultural Issues in Predoctoral Internship Programs: A National Survey
Examines the extent to which internship-training directors (ITDs) addressed multicultural issues in their predoctoral training programs. ITDs reported varied levels of attention to specific multicultural issues; ITDs at university counseling centers reported significantly greater attention to multicultural issues than did ITDs at community mental-health centers, state hospitals, medical schools, and private psychiatric hospitals.