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Information Technology
[Collected Papers on International Aspects of Teacher Education and Technology.]
This document contains the papers on international issues in technology and teacher education.
[Collected Papers on International Aspects of Teacher Education and Technology.]
This document contains the following papers on international issues in technology and teacher education.
Adult ESL: Politics, Pedagogy, and Participation in Classroom and Community Programs
The collection of essays on the politics of adult English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) instruction includes Adult Education,Community Programs
English (Second Language),Information Technology,Literacy Education.
Adult ESL: Politics, Pedagogy, and Participation in Classroom and Community Programs
The collection of essays on the politics of adult English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) instruction are onAdult Education
Community Programs,information Technology,Politics of Education etc.
CAIS/ACSI 2001: Beyond the Web: Technologies, Knowledge and People
Presents abstracts of papers presented at the 29th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Information Science (CAIS) held in Quebec on May 27-29, 2001. Topics include: professional development; librarian/library roles; information technology uses; virtual libraries; information seeking behavior; literacy; information retrieval; multicultural education; information science; and knowledge management.
Evaluation of the Information, Communication and Technology Capabilities and E-Learning
This study from the University of North London examines diversified support and relevance to improve instruction and reduce dropout rates for multicultural students. Discusses the use of information and communication technology to provide online student support; virtual integration of the curriculum; individual learning styles; and Web sites.
Futures Thinking: Consideration of the Impact of Educational Change on Black and Minority Ethnic Achievement
Discusses the potential of information and communications technology (ICT) and the World Wide Web to offer positive alternatives in contemporary British schools that are failing their black and minority group students. Describes the advantages of ICT and looks at future changes in the teaching profession and changes in the curriculum that will require knowledge of ICT.
Integration of Technology into the Classroom: Case Studies
This book contains the case studies on the integration of technology in education.
Integration of Technology into the Classroom: Case Studies
This book contains the case studies on the integration of technology in education.
Technology and Teacher Preparation: Towards a Humanistic Framework
This paper examines the place of technology in augmenting future teachers' conceptual awareness and professional skills, highlighting major assumptions about integrating technology into teacher preparation programs (e.g., students have some level of technological literacy prior to entering school, computers are basic necessities in today's schools, and technological literacy is a major skill that must be integrated in education).