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Individual Differences
Adult Education: Profiles in Diversity and Strength
Even Start is a family literacy and support program for families with young children. This paper identifies several characteristics of adult learners in order to suggest effective approaches for working with adults to improve literacy skills.
Bearing the Image of Model Minority: An Inside Look behind the Classroom Door
The diversity that actually exists among Asian-Pacific American students is explored, and the most common stereotypes that mainstream teachers have of them are described. Teachers often express a preference for working with Asian-Pacific American students, but judging students on stereotypes, even positive ones, neglects individual differences and may limit students' opportunities to develop their potential.
Classrooms for Learners, Not Winners and Losers
Differentiated instruction is an umbrella concept that allows teachers to pull together many disparate messages about multicultural education, alternative teaching and learning strategies, alternative assessments, learning styles, and standards. Developing a range of instructional strategies represents a fine tuning, not a new instrument.
Diversity and the Individual in Dewey's Philosophy of Democratic Education
Examines two interpretations of Dewey's philosophy of education, one that requires intolerance and one that requires tolerance of individual differences, arguing that there is much truth to the multicultural interpretation, but that multiculturalism must be qualified to properly capture Dewey's position. The essay emphasizes the consequences of Dewey's social and political concerns for his theory of education.
Understanding the Relationship between Learning Style and Multiculturalism for School Counselors
A major concern of educators, counselors, and parents in the United States and throughout the world has been the costs and consequences of the high number of at-risk and dropout minority students. The intent of this paper is to explore the hypothesis that school counselors must know the implications of multicultural students' varied learning styles for both counseling and teaching.