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"Festivals of Light": A Multicultural Celebration in Brooklyn
Describes a celebration developed by children, staff, and parents at Morris L. Eisenstein Learning Center (Brooklyn, New York) to share the customs of Diwali, Hannukah, Loi Krathong, Kwanzaa, Nacimiento, and Christmas with the diverse student population.
CyberHunt 3. Holiday Trio
Presents CyberHunt 3, an interactive, multicultural activity for the holiday season. Students visit a variety of web sites for facts and activities related to Hanukkah, Christmas, and Kwanzaa.
Giving Thanks: Observing Thanksgiving, Kwanzaa, and Day of the Dead
Describes a primary-grade curriculum unit organized around the theme of "giving thanks" and encompassing the holidays of Thanksgiving, Kwanzaa, and Day of the Dead. Provides historical background and cultural context for each holiday, engagement activities, investigation activities, sharing activities, and a short list of related children's literature.
Holidays in the Public School Kindergarten: An Avenue for Emerging Religious and Spiritual Literacy
Addresses holidays in the curriculum and concerns raised for educators about how to be inclusive and recognize students' different cultures. Presents a sample approach to exploring holidays in the classroom, including techniques for brainstorming, celebration activities, children's individual experiences, expanding experiences, engaging families, choosing resources, and parties.
Multicultural Projects Index: Things To Make and Do To Celebrate Festivals, Cultures, and Holidays around the World. Second Edition
The legacies of all cultures can be found in their creations--their arts, their celebrations, and their traditions. This book is designed to help educators introduce students to the diversity of people around the world through creative, hands-on activities based on cultural traditions.
The Multicultural Worlds of Pueblo Indian Children's Celebrations
Examines the ways that each of three cultures (Pueblo, Hispanic, and mainstream American) expresses values and beliefs in the celebrations that engage Pueblo children throughout the year. Discusses the secrecy of Pueblo celebrations and the need for educators to use discretion when determining the legitimacy of Pueblo students' absences and sleepiness.
Viva Mexico!
This curriculum presentation outlines how to celebrate five Mexican holidays in the classroom: Cinco de Mayo, Dia de los Muertos, Fiesta, Las Posados, and Three Kings Day. The goal is to help children learn through hands-on activities and real-life experiences.