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Financial Support
Empowering the Poor through Early Childhood Education
Meeting children's needs for early childhood education is one of eight strategies identified by the Food and Agricultural Organization as necessary for the eradication of poverty. Explores how early childhood education might be funded in developing nations.
From Section 11 to Ethnic Minority Achievement--Reports from around the Country
Participants in the Association of LEA (Local Education Agency) Advisory Officers in Multicultural Education in the United Kingdom present their views about the difficulties in moving from the previous funding provision for ethnic minority students, (Section 11), to the Ethnic Minority Achievement Grant funding provisions. (SLD).
Maurice R. Robinson National Mini-Grant Program for K-12 Service Learning
Briefly describes a service-learning grant program and provides examples of elementary, middle, and high school projects awarded grants in 1996. Projects included efforts to educate the community about river pollution, multicultural murals, and a school activities news show.
Reinventing Early Care and Education: A Vision for a Quality System
Although early care and education have gained some momentum in recent years, shortfalls in quality are still pervasive. This book defines the elements of a high-quality system and suggests strategies for improvement.
Tribal Libraries: And Still They Rise
Biggs studied tribal libraries through visits to libraries in Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Arizona. Tribal libraries serve as key information centers for the tribe's sovereign nation, and are almost always the education center of the community.
Urbanization in the Northwest. Issues and Implications for Policy
In the Northwest, as across the rest of the United States, the basic characteristics of the U.S. household are changing.
Where in the World Do You Want to Go? Professional Development through International Fellowships
Discusses benefits and conditions of international travel fellowships for educators, particularly their ability to expand knowledge of other cultures, and the requirement to share travel experiences with local communities. Offers information about five sponsoring organizations that provide international fellowships for teachers.