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Family Needs
Annotated Bibliography: Research from the Center on Families, Communities, Schools and Children's Learning
The mission of the Center on Families, Communities, Schools and Children s Learning at Johns Hopkins University is to conduct research evaluations and policy analyses, and to produce and disseminate new knowledge about how families, schools, and communities influence students' motivation, learning, and development. This annotated bibliography compiles and annotates research from the Center.
Annotated Bibliography: Research from the Center on Families, Communities, Schools and Children's Learning
The mission of the Center on Families, Communities, Schools and Children s Learning at Johns Hopkins University is to conduct research evaluations and policy analyses, and to produce and disseminate new knowledge about how families, schools, and communities influence students' motivation, learning, and development.
Celebrating Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Head Start
Noting that the dramatic demographic changes in the United States in the last 30 years require that Head Start programs learn how to access new populations, encourage their participation, and tailor programs to meet their unique needs, this study was commissioned to better understand the diversity in language and culture of the Head Start population.