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Environmental Influences
Epilogue: Toward an Understanding of Literacy Issues in Multicultural School-Age Populations
This epilogue to a forum on literacy issues in school-age children from culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) backgrounds highlights research findings that address: the importance of home environment in influencing literacy; the relationship between socioeconomic status and literacy; and the use of dynamic assessment and process-dependent measures as alternative assessments.
Foreign Language and Culture: Some Background and Some Ideas on Teaching
Educators should combine foreign language study with discovery of another culture. Several postsecondary institutions are adopting Language Across the Curriculum, which allows students to apply their second-language knowledge in various courses or integrate other disciplines into language courses.
Prologue: Toward an Understanding of Literacy Issues in Multicultural School-Age Populations
This article introduces a forum that explores issues surrounding literacy in multicultural school-age populations. It discusses sociocultural factors that overshadow traditional literacy-learning objectives, the relationship between low socioeconomic status and low literacy, environmental influences that affect literacy, and culturally biased assessments that challenge educators to find reliable alternative assessments.