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Educational Cooperation
Coming Together: Preparing for Rural Special Education in the 21st Century. Conference Proceedings of the American Council on Rural Special Education (18th, Charleston, South Carolina, March 25-28, 1998)
This proceedings contains 64 papers on rural special education. Papers present promising practices in rural special education, discussions of theory and research, research findings, program descriptions, and topics of current concern.
Contradictions in Collaboration: New Thinking on School/University Partnerships
This book is based on a 6-year longitudinal study of collaboration in a professional development school (PDS) project involving 45 educators. Teachers and principals from the schools and faculty and doctoral students from the university work together to plan, implement, and evaluate a Master's of Education program.
Cultural Diversity in Mathematics (Education): CIEAEM 51
The 51st meeting of the Commission Internationale pour L'Etude et L'Amelioration de L'Ensignment des Mathematiques (CIEAEM) was held July, 1999 at Chichester, UK and facilitated the collaboration of delegates from over 30 countries providing a variety of perspectives on the theme OCultural Diversity in Mathematics Education'.
Exploring African and Latin American Relationships: Enhancing Cooperation and Eliminating Barriers. Annual Adult Education Research Symposium Proceedings (6th, Chicago, Illinois, April 13, 1996). Revised Edition
This document contains 14 papers presented at an annual symposium sponsored by Northern Illinois University's Department of Leadership and Educational Policy Studies and College of Education. First, information about the symposium's history and participants is presented.
Rural School Reform: Creating a Community of Learners
This paper examines an effort to support "bottom-up" change that responds to larger school reform initiatives. The intervention strategy involved a collaboration in which a cluster of rural schools designed and implemented site-based projects related to multicultural reform, and a regional college and the state department of education provided professional development and technical assistance tailored to specific projects.
Rural School Reform: Creating a Community of Learners
This paper examines an effort to support "bottom-up" change that responds to larger school reform initiatives. The intervention strategy involved a collaboration in which a cluster of rural schools designed and implemented site-based projects related to multicultural reform, and a regional college and the state department of education provided professional development and technical assistance tailored to specific projects.
Video-conferencing for Collaborative Educational Inquiry
Profiles a series of video conferences that examined the effects of European settlement on the art of Aboriginal peoples in Australia and the cultural conflicts facing contemporary Aboriginal artists. The video conferences brought together Aboriginal artists and Canadian educators.