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Cultural Traits
Considering Culture in the Selection of Teaching Approaches for Adults. ERIC Digest
Cultural differences, including the personal cultures of learners and educators and the culture of the larger social-political environment, are relevant to adult learning. Culture includes those values, beliefs, and practices shared by a group of people.
Hispanic-American Students and Learning Style. ERIC Digest
This digest identifies cultural values that may affect the learning processes of Hispanic-American students, reviews research on the learning styles of Hispanic-American students, and discusses the implications of this research for counseling and teaching Hispanic youth. One cultural value that is of paramount importance in most Hispanic cultures is family commitment.
Special Services and Capeverdean Children: Establishing Culturally Relevant Connections
Although Capeverdean Americans have been a part of the long multicultural history of the United States, little has been written within the professional literature about the special services needs of this cultural group. This article presents some important features of the culture and history of Capeverdeans that are relevant for the provision of culturally sensitive special needs services.