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Cross Cultural Studies
Addressing the Needs of Biracial Children: An Issue for Counselors in a Multicultural School Environment
Focuses on the school counseling concerns of biracial children and the use of developmental school counseling programs as a means of promoting positive self-awareness in biracial students. Views developmental counseling programs as a viable vehicle for promoting awareness of and respect for the many factors that differentiate one person from another.
Becoming Political: Comparative Perspectives on Citizenship Education. SUNY Series: Theory, Research, and Practice in Social Education
This study examines diversity in citizenship education within a set of boundaries where the ideals of citizenship, democracy, and education were somewhat similar. The five nations expected to be quite similar were the United States, the United Kingdom, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Netherlands, and Denmark.
Cross-Cultural Partnerships: Acknowledging the "Equal Other" in the Rural/Urban American Indian Teacher Education Program
Describes the Rural/Urban American Indian Teacher Education Program, based on Baber's (1970) notion of the equal other. It featured cross-cultural partnerships at every possible level.
Cross-Cultural Partnerships: Acknowledging the "Equal Other" in the Rural/Urban American Indian Teacher Education Program
Describes the Rural/Urban American Indian Teacher Education Program, based on Baber's (1970) notion of the equal other. It featured cross-cultural partnerships at every possible level.
Cultural Orientation, Past Multicultural Experience, and a Sense of Belonging on Campus for Asian American College Students
Examines the effects of cultural orientation and multicultural experience on campus belongingness for Asian American undergraduates, as compared to Anglo-Americans. Results confirm the value of secure cultural orientations, particularly biculturalism, in the college adjustment of Asian Americans.
Dine College Struggles to Synthesize Navajo and Western Knowledge
Discusses the 30-year struggle Navajo Community College leaders faced in developing a Navajo philosophy and education model that combines Navajo principles and values with a Western-based curriculum. Describes the 1995 implementation of Dine College's Philosophy of Education model at the Tsaile campus.
Globalisation, Effectiveness and Improvement
This paper reports principally on two studies, prompted by research on school effectiveness in the United States and England, which indicate globalization is beginning to affect school improvement. The first study cites case studies of two schools--from working-class, multi-ethnic, poorly educated areas of Singapore and London--to determine if these schools can be validly compared, and if so, to point out how these schools can learn from each other.
Multicultural Central Asia
This article addresses the multicultural aspect of Central Asia in response to the discussion on diversity in U.S. classrooms.
Norway: Charting a Course for the 21st Century. Teacher's Resource Guide
This teaching unit is designed to present the Norwegian viewpoint on the importance of participation in the global community. Through its national policies and the efforts of countless citizens, modern Norway is making an urgent statement to the global community about the best course to follow for the planet's safe future.
Reform in Teacher Education through the CLAD/BCLAD Policy
Analyzes obstacles facing multicultural/bilingual teacher education reform in the context of California's Crosscultural Language and Academic Development (CLAD) or Bilingual Crosscultural Language and Academic Development (BCLAD) programs, which try to translate theoretical frameworks concerned with cultural difference into credentialing policy. This reform effort champions linguistic and cultural diversity but faces formidable obstacles.
Research Methods and Methodologies for Multicultural and Cross-Cultural Issues in Art Education. Crossing Cultural, Artistic, and Cyber Borders: Issues and Examples in Art Education Conference (Tempe, Arizona, January 7-8, 2000)
This monograph is the outgrowth of a conference that explored research concerns related to multi-cultural and cross-cultural contexts in art education.
Rings: Five Passions in World Art. Multicultural Curriculum Handbook.
This curriculum handbook uses a discipline based art education (DBAE) approach, and includes lessons appropriate for use with students in grades 3-12. Five units address themes of universally experienced emotions: love, anguish, awe, triumph, and joy.
Science Activities To Develop Transcultural Understandings
Details an instructional approach to understanding another culture through the use of kits that enables children to learn at their own pace. This approach focuses on similarities among and between cultures and allows students to explore a variety of science concepts and understandings.
Visualizing the Vision
Presents a lesson plan that is designed to engage school staff in thinking about, developing, and sharing their conception of what it means to be a "global school." Staff is divided into small groups with an emphasis on diversity. These groups then discuss and draw illustrations of global school models.