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A Critical Analysis of the Multicultural Counseling Competencies: Implications for the Practice of Mental Health Counseling
Discusses the implications of adopting the Multicultural Counseling Competencies created by the Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development for members of the American Mental Health Counseling Association and other counseling practitioners. Suggests that more empirical data need to be collected before the Competencies are required of practicing counselors or implemented in counselor education programs.
Applying a Cognitive-Behavioral Approach to the Training of Culturally Competent Mental Health Counselors
Claims that a cognitive-behavioral approach can help train culturally competent mental health professionals. Following the stages of intervention in cognitive therapy, culturally diverse counselors in training confront their own and others' cognitive distortions and develop a genuine sensitivity to other cultural perspectives.
Brief Counseling with Hispanic American College Students
Hispanic-American college students (N=16) met with a Puerto-Rican counselor for two brief counseling sessions. Brief counseling was a viable and effective approach in helping the students reach their goals.
Culture-Centered Counseling Skills as a Preventive Strategy for College Health Services
Successful counseling is possible if health care providers learn to interpret behaviors within cultural context. The paper describes a culture-centered approach, using a grid that matches same/different behaviors and expectations.
Distinctive Members: The Effects of Solo Arrangements on Evaluations of Solos and Similar Others
Investigates the effect of group composition on judgments of African Americans. White male and female college students (N=84) responded to photographic slides of female work groups containing altered racial compositions.
Multicultural Infusion in the Counselor Education Curriculum: A Preliminary Analysis
Counselor educators agree on the necessity of preparing counselors in training to work in a diverse society. Traditional training programs have no special accommodations and are characterized by unawareness of the impact of cultural factors in counseling.
Reliability and Validity of Three Measures of Multicultural Competency
Examines the reliability and validity of three measures of multicultural competency, the Multicultural Counseling Awareness Scale: Form B (MCAS), the Multicultural Awareness-Knowledge-and Skills Survey (MAKSS), and the Survey of Graduate Students' Experiences with Diversity (GSEDS). The findings generally support the psychometric soundness of these surveys, with some important exceptions.
Reliability and Validity of Three Measures of Multicultural Competency
Examines the reliability and validity of three measures of multicultural competency, the Multicultural Counseling Awareness Scale: Form B (MCAS), the Multicultural Awareness-Knowledge-and Skills Survey (MAKSS), and the Survey of Graduate Students' Experiences with Diversity (GSEDS). The findings generally support the psychometric soundness of these surveys, with some important exceptions.
Spiritual Issues in Counseling: A New Course
Describes a course designed to explore spiritual issues that occur in counseling. Using a multicultural framework, discusses topics such as understanding spirituality, assessing clients' spiritual needs, and identifying spiritual issues in counseling.
The Journal for the Professional Counselor, 1998
An official refereed branch journal of the American Counseling Association, this journal covers current professional issues, theory, research, and innovative practices or programs in all branches of counseling.
The Relationship between Multicultural Counseling Training and the Evaluation of Culturally Sensitive and Culturally Insensitive Counselors
This study on multicultural counseling training contributed significantly to the variance in ratings of a culturally sensitive counselor. No significant contribution was made to the variance in ratings of the culturally insensitive counselor.
The Relationship between Multicultural Counseling Training and the Evaluation of Culturally Sensitive and Culturally Insensitive Counselors
In this study multicultural counseling training contributed significantly to the variance in ratings of a culturally sensitive counselor. No significant contribution was made to the variance in ratings of the culturally insensitive counselor.