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Counselor Client Relationship
A Study of the Mismatch Between Native Students' Counseling Needs and Available Services
Examined the counseling needs of First Nations youth (n=54), living in five major First Nations communities of Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. Identified five types of needs based on survey and interview data.
An Exploratory Study of Counselor Judgments in Multicultural Research
Archival data were used to explore intake judgments made by 45 counselors about 344 African American and white clients seen at a counseling center during a 2-year period. Counselor gender was significantly associated with ratings of client severity of current condition.
Asian Americans' and African Americans' Initial Perceptions of Hispanic Counselors
Study examines the effects of Hispanic counselors' race and speech accent on Asian American and African American students' initial perceptions. Results show that students' gender, race, and level of "universal-diverse" orientation, along with counselors' speech accent, predicted students' initial perceptions of the counselors and of the counseling relationship.
Bayanihan: Providing Effective Counseling Strategies with Children of Filipino Ancestry
Provides a psychocultural profile for persons of Filipino ancestry so as to increase awareness, understanding, and sensitivity for the mental health needs of these youth, from primary school to college. Discusses the implications of these cultural factors and presents suggestions for counseling this diverse population.
Conceptualizing a Case of Indirect Racism Using the White Racial Identity Development Model
Describes how counselors might use a model of White racial identity development to conceptualize and treat a White client who has experienced racism directed toward his ethnic minority friend. Specific attention is paid to both the client's and the counselor's White racial statuses and how these interact within the counseling process.
Extending Multicultural Counselor Competence to Sexual Orientation
The purpose of this study was to develop and establish psychometric properties of the Sexual Orientation Counselor Scale (SOCS), an instrument assessing the awareness, skills, and knowledge of counselors working with lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) populations. The sample consisted of 287 undergraduates, master-level students, doctoral-level students, and counseling psychologists.
Extending Multicultural Counselor Competence to Sexual Orientation
The purpose of this study was to develop and establish psychometric properties of the Sexual Orientation Counselor Scale (SOCS), an instrument assessing the awareness, skills, and knowledge of counselors working with lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) populations. The sample consisted of 287 students (undergraduates, master-level students, doctoral-level students, and counseling psychologists).
Measuring Counselor Competence with Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual Clients: Implications for Multicultural Training
This study attempted to develop psychometric properties of the Sexual Orientation Counselor Competency Scale (SOCCS), an instrument used to assess the awareness, skills, and knowledge of counselors working with the lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) population. A sample of 287 students undergraduates, master-level and doctoral-level students, and counseling psychologists were surveyed.
Ratings of Helper Roles by Multicultural Psychologists and Asian American Students: Initial Support for the Three-Dimensional Model of Multicultural Counseling
The results of two surveys investigating support for psychologists' roles advocated by the three-dimensional model of multicultural counseling are reported. Vignettes used varied high/low acculturation and internal/external etiology of problem.
The Sexual Orientation Counselor Competency Scale: Assessing Attitudes,
Skills, and Knowledge of Counselors Working With Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Clients
This study examined the psychometric properties of the Sexual Orientation
Counselor Competency Scale (SOCCS), an instrument that
measures the attitudes, skills, and knowledge of counselors who
work with lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals. Internal consistency
of the SOCCS was .90, and 1-week test–retest reliability was