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Counselor Certification
The Counseling Primer
This volume seeks to answer the basic question "What does a counselor or therapist need to know in order to become a Licensed Professional Counselor?" Containing all the basic information that is taught in the counseling and therapy classes in major universities across the United States, this book places a special emphasis on those courses which contain content found on the National Counselor Exam.
The Counseling Primer
This volume seeks to answer the basic question "What does a counselor or therapist need to know in order to become a Licensed Professional Counselor?" Containing all the basic information that is taught in the counseling and therapy classes in major universities across the United States, this book places a special emphasis on those courses which, contain content found on the National Counselor Exam.
The Training and Supervisory Needs of Racial and Ethnic Minority Students
Despite increasing attention given to multicultural training issues in counseling programs, there is a dearth of information on unique training needs of racial and ethnic minority trainees. Reviews literature relevant to training needs, offers examples of training and supervisory issues, and makes recommendations for future research and training.