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Cooperating Teachers
PDS Partnerships Come of Age
Describes professional-development schools, partnerships between university teacher-education programs and schools, involving professors, teachers, and teacher interns. Tells how mutual respect and collaborative innovation developed in one such professional-development school in Camden, New Jersey.
Expert and novice teachers' beliefs about culturally responsive pedagogy.
This study examined experienced and novice teachers' views on teaching in multicultural classrooms, asking 40 elementary student teachers and 26 cooperating teachers how they viewed the needs of students from diverse cultural backgrounds. Participants rated 23 statements about multicultural education on a Likert scale of agreement, and completed two open-ended questions as well.
Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers: The Field Experience. Teacher Education Yearbook IV
This yearbook provides educators with current research and practical guidelines for improving the education of teacher candidates and beginning teachers. The book has four sections, each on a particular topic and containing an overview and a response (reflections and implications).
Professional Development School Trade-Offs in Teacher Preparation and Renewal
Examined the preparation of student teachers at four Professional Development Schools (PDSs) longitudinally, comparing their experiences with those of traditional student teachers. Data from meetings with administrators; site visits; document analysis; graduation and professional status information; student teacher surveys; and graduate surveys indicated that students appreciated PDSs' camaraderie, support, collaboration, and effectiveness.