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College Environment
Achieving Community on the College Campus
Discusses racism on today's college campuses, and explores the responsibility of the school, its faculty, and its student body in allowing intolerance for minorities to exist. Reasons for this trend are examined, and some thoughts for achieving a greater sense of community on college campuses are discussed.
American College Personnel Association Strategic Initiative on Multiculturalism: A Report and Proposal
Details the work of a task force charged with developing initiatives to integrate multicultural concerns into both higher education and a professional association. Outlines historical roots of the effort, lists goals, and proposes initiatives to enhance multiculturalism.
Cultural Orientation, Past Multicultural Experience, and a Sense of Belonging on Campus for Asian American College Students
Examines the effects of cultural orientation and multicultural experience on campus belongingness for Asian American undergraduates, as compared to Anglo-Americans. Results confirm the value of secure cultural orientations, particularly biculturalism, in the college adjustment of Asian Americans.
Mexican Americans and Other Latinos in Postsecondary Education: Institutional Influences. ERIC Digest
The Latino population of the United States has grown dramatically in recent years, but Latino postsecondary participation and graduation rates have not increased. In 1998, only 7 percent of Mexican Americans (11 percent of all Latinos) held college degrees, versus 25 percent of the total U.S.
Student Protest and Multicultural Reform: Making Sense of Campus Unrest in the 1990s
Examines college student activism of the 1990s organized around multicultural issues using case studies of protests at five institutions--Mills College (California), University of California at Los Angeles, Pennsylvania State University, Rutgers University (New Jersey), Michigan State University. Identity politics is highlighted as a key student strategy.
Walking on Eggs: Mastering the Dreaded Diversity Discussion
Nine strategies for opening and sustaining discussion of cultural pluralism in the college classroom are offered, including use of powerful evocative quotations, evocative visuals, student self-identification in cultural terms, pictographic autobiographies, student personal narratives, metaphors for America, concentric identity circles exercise, models for interpreting cultural experience, and paired readings. Guidelines for discussion management are also given.