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A Guide to Curriculum Planning in Social Studies
Social studies is concerned with developing reflective, democratic citizenship within a global context, and includes the disciplines typically classified as belonging to the social and behavioral sciences as well as history, geography, and content selected from law, philosophy, and the humanities. It also includes those topics that focus on social problems, issues, and controversies.
Adult Education at the Margins and towards New Paradigms. Occasional Paper Number 2
This document contains four papers that examine four diverse topics from the field of adult education: multiculturalism, ageism, mathematics, and new paradigm research. In "Editorial Introduction," Roger Fieldhouse gives an overview of the papers and the experience of their authors.
Educating Multicultural Citizens: Melting Pot or Mosaic?
Explores the educational metaphors of the melting pot (immigrants must assimilate into the mainstream culture) and the cultural mosaic (immigrants should retain their cultural identifies). Focuses on such issues as multiculturalism and justice for immigrants, social cohesion, the notion of cultural relativism, and differing conceptions of culture.
Integrating Lifelong Learning Perspectives
This publication is comprised of 43 papers on the topic of promoting lifelong learning.
Multicultural Policies and Modes of Citizenship in European Cities
Discusses immigrants, ethnic minorities, and questions of citizenship in Europe, the role of the city in addressing local citizenship and participation, and the policies and institutions intended to foster participation. Describes the project entitled "Multicultural Policies and Modes of Citizenship in European Cities." (CMK).