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A Critical Review of Ann Rinaldi's "My Heart Is on the Ground: The Diary of Nannie Little Rose, A Sioux Girl, Carlisle Indian School, Pennsylvania, 1880."
This paper critically reviews the book, "My Heart Is On the Ground: The Diary of Nannie Little Rose, a Sioux Girl, Carlisle Indian School, 1800." The review begins with a profile of Captain Richard Henry Pratt who founded the Carlisle (Pennsylvania) Indian Industrial School in 1879.
A Demand for Excellence in Books for Children
Children's books selected for schools and libraries are judged by criteria of literary and artistic excellence, and books featuring minority-group characters must be held to additional criteria. Such scrupulous selectivity is not censorship.
Books Can Spark Multicultural Awareness
Asserts that children are naturally curious about differences around them, and it is important to introduce children early to multicultural awareness. Provides a book list and some tips for using literature as a tool to teach children about differences, similarities, acceptance, and the benefits of living in a varied society.
Contemporary American Indian Life in "The Owl's Song" and "Smoke Signals."
Discusses "Smoke Signals" (a 1998 award-winning film) and "The Owl's Song" (a 1974 novel), both of which feature young adult American Indian protagonists. Suggests instructional strategies for teaching these works in tandem.
Including Appalachian Stereotypes in Multicultural Education: An Analysis of Bill Bryson's "A Walk in the Woods."
Analyzes stereotypes of the South and Appalachia in a recent nonfiction bestseller, demonstrating that prejudice against southerners and Appalachians is so entrenched that it goes unquestioned. Discusses how such stereotypical books can be used in multicultural education classes in Appalachian colleges.
Los Ninos y el Mundo: Children's Books in Spanish from around the World
Offers brief descriptions of 32 children's books (or book series) in Spanish that introduce children to numerous countries around the world. Notes a web site address listing high-quality books in Spanish for children and adolescents.
Many People, Many Places, Other Times: An Annotated Bibliography of Multicultural Books for 3- to 8-Year-Olds
Cites 99 recently published fiction, folklore, and nonfiction books for 3- to 8-year olds that illustrate a broad interpretation of multiculturalism and include positive and accurate portrayals of various ethnic or religious groups. A brief synopsis is given for each book, along with publication information.
Multicultural Mosaic: A Family Book Club
Authors, a library media specialist and a literature/language arts teacher, both recipients of Theodore R. Sizer Fellowships, describe their joint project, "Multicultural Mosaic: A Family Book Club." Their proposal was to strengthen the home-school connection by establishing a book club accessible to all middle and high school students and their families.
Noteworthy Books in Spanish for Children and Adolescents
Lists Spanish language books for children ranging from wordless picture books to adolescent love stories and translated popular novels. This year's list includes publishers from Latin America, in particular Mexico's Fondo de Cultura Economica.
Prejudice and Pride: Japanese Americans in the Young Adult Novels of Yoshiko Uchida
Discusses five books for young adults by author Yoshiko Uchida. Notes that these books, accessible to children in grades 5 and above, describe the prejudice against Japanese Americans, internment camps, and upheaval, sorrow, and anger spawned by the American government's racist actions.
Resources for Multicultural Awareness and Social Action
Contends that many teachers do not educate elementary age students about prejudice because they lack access to appropriate resources. Provides teachers with an annotated list of curriculum, journals, and organizations they may use to help young students make connections between institutionalized prejudice, intercultural competency, and their own power to produce change.
Teaching Tools
Reviews books and videos for multicultural education and cultural awareness in elementary and secondary classrooms. The 28 works reviewed focus on gender and minority experiences, U.S.