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American Indian History
Contemporary American Indian Life in "The Owl's Song" and "Smoke Signals."
Discusses "Smoke Signals" (a 1998 award-winning film) and "The Owl's Song" (a 1974 novel), both of which feature young adult American Indian protagonists. Suggests instructional strategies for teaching these works in tandem.
Reprise of Iroquois "Influence" Issue. The Public Eye
Reviews recent publications criticizing the idea that the intellectual development of U.S. democracy was influenced by the political organization of the Iroquois Confederacy.
Technology Meets Diversity
Describes the development of an electronic book that provides a forum on the history and culture of Native Americans in the Lakota Nation. Illustrates how such multimedia programs can help teachers with multicultural education.
Training Counselors To Work with Native American Clients
This paper discusses the history and the impact that current social conditions of Native American people has upon their education, careers, relationships, and physical and mental health, and offers suggestions about how counselors can help Native Americans improve their lives. The structure of the paper includes a brief history of some of the critical incidents in Native American history, current challenges among the Native American population, counseling implications associated with these challenges, and suggestions counselors can use to increase their cross-cultural skills in counseling, consulting, and agency development.