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African History
How Big is Africa?
Presents three activities adapted from the "How Big Is Africa?" Curriculum Guide developed by the African Studies Center of Boston University. Includes activities designed to make students aware of the diversity extant in Africa and the vastness of the continent.
Life in Sierra Leone, West Africa. A Teaching Unit
This unit is designed for students in grades 6-12. The unit provides an introduction to Sierra Leone and the continent of Africa through basic concepts and a conceptual framework for learning.
Step into Africa, K-5. [Revised.]
This unit is designed for students in grades K-5. The unit provides an introduction to Africa through basic concepts and a conceptual framework for learning.
Teaching about Africa. ERIC Digest
This digest offers practical suggestions for inclusion of teaching about Africa in the curriculum.
Teaching about Africa: A Continent of Complexities
This book was designed with activities for students in grades 7-12. The activities increase student awareness about Africa and dispel misconceptions about Africa.
The African Mosaic: New Lessons from Humanity's Homeland
Explores the wealth of learning opportunities arising from the study of Africa and its peoples. Students must learn about the history, traditions, and diversity of Africa, rather than focusing narrowly on the problems of recent years.