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Affirmative Action
Affirmative Action Defended: Case Studies in Engineering Education
The affirmative action efforts of the College of Engineering at the University of California Davis campus demonstrate affirmative action at its best. Eight programs are described that represent positive and constructive affirmative action that gives women and minorities the opportunity to advance through hard work.
Higher Education, Race & Diversity: Views from the Field
The four papers in this document address issues of higher education, race, and diversity.
In Support of Civil Rights: Taking On the Initiative. LEAP (Leadership Education for Asian Pacifics, Inc.) Special Report, Proposition 209, "The California Civil Rights Initiative."
Proposition 209 is a statewide constitutional amendment initiative in California, which, if passed in November 1996, will eliminate all statewide affirmative action programs. It is argued that, contrary to its title, this amendment is an extreme and unnecessary measure that will actually undermine further advances in civil rights.
Shameful Admissions. The Losing Battle To Serve Everyone in Our Universities
This book uses an examination of admissions policies, especially affirmative action, at the University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley), to explore higher education and its role in public debates about access, equality, and social change.
What Does It Mean To Affirm Diversity?
Educators must recognize five realities before meaningful affirmative actions can occur. Affirming diversity is about social justice.