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Adult Students
Adult Education: Profiles in Diversity and Strength
Even Start is a family literacy and support program for families with young children. This paper identifies several characteristics of adult learners in order to suggest effective approaches for working with adults to improve literacy skills.
Connections: Adult Learners and the Evolving University. Proceedings of the Annual Alliance/ACE Conference (19th, Saratoga Springs, New York, October 21-23, 1999).
This collection of 38 papers has as its focus adult learners, and covers a wide range of topics on electronic peer networks, workplace training (in Australia), health professional accreditation, students with disabilities, and many others.
Delta Pi Epsilon National Research Conference Proceedings (Indianapolis, Indiana, November 14-16, 1996)
It is a collectio of 34 papers.The papers contains articles related to attitude and motivation;teacher student;government university collaboration relationship etc.
The Experiences of Adult Undergraduate Students--What Shapes Their Learning?
The Model of College Outcomes for Adults explains why adults might do as well as traditional students, despite limited participation and involvement in traditional residential learning experiences. The model's six components are prior experience and personal biographies; psychosocial and value orientation; adult cognition; life-world environment; college outcomes; and the connecting classroom.