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part of the Education Reform Networks

The University in Transformation: Global Perspectives on the Futures of the University


This book examines emerging trends and issues that promise to change the face of the university in the 21st century. The book is divided into four sections: chapters in the first section examine the future of higher education in the Western hemisphere, which given the dominating position of Western universities has direct and structural implications for the rest of the world; the second section examines the university in the nonwest, offering various modernist, scholar/activist, dissenting, and multicultural approaches; the third section examines alternative universities; and two concluding chapters summarize the discussions and offer alternative paths to the future.

  • Author/Creator: Inayatullah, Sohail
  • Author's address: Bergin & Garvey, 88 Post Road West, Westport, CT 06881 ($65). Tel: 800-225-5800 (Toll Free)
  • Date Published: 00-00
  • Year: 2000

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