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Multicultural Awareness, Knowledge and Skills: Directions for Adult Education Training Programs

Licensed professional counselors (n=207) completed the Multicultural Awareness, Knowledge, and Skills Survey, revealing insufficient competence in defining culture, understanding pluralism, analyzing culture, and assessing diverse clients. Comparison of those trained before and after 1990 showed the earlier group had additional insufficiencies. (Contains 27 references.) (SK)

  • Author/Creator: Chambers, Ellen, Fischer, Jerome M.
  • Date Published: Win
  • Journal/Secondary Title: Journal of Adult Education
  • Notes: Search the catalog at the library of the University of Colorado at Boulder. ISSN: 0856-1109 English Journal Article (CIJE) 080 Journal Articles; 143 Reports--Research
  • Number: 1
  • Volume: 30
  • Year: 2001

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