part of the Education Reform Networks
Japanese Enough? A Korean's Journey to Japanese Identity
Describes one Japanese woman's reflections of the personal struggle fought by a Korean woman living in Japan. Other countries are thought of as being monocultural or monoethnic societies, in contrast to the United States' cultural melting pot. Multicultural education should examine the existence of multiculturalism in other countries, not just teach about people in other countries. (EMS)
Author/Creator: McCrann, Takako Ota
Date Published: Sum
Journal/Secondary Title: Multicultural Education
Notes: FirstSearch indicates your institution subscribes to this publication. Libraries worldwide that own item: 263 UNIV OF COLORADO AT BOULDER Search the catalog at the library of the University of Colorado at Boulder.
ISSN: 1068-3844
Journal Article (CIJE)
080 Journal Articles; 141 Reports--Descriptive
Number: 4
Volume: 5
Year: 1998
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