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Japan: The Land and Its People. For Students in Grades Six and Seven. Instructional Materials about Japan (IMAJ)

This manual provides suggestions and materials for teaching about Japan. Designed as a supplement to typical textbook treatments, the lessons provide a range of readings, visuals, and activities to enrich and deepen student learning about Japan. Organized around topics dealing with history, geography, government, economics, and culture, the lessons provide teachers with flexibility of selecting and adapting lessons for specific classroom settings.

  • Author/Creator: Blankenship, Glen, Edwards, Barbara, Hutchenson, Gwen, Moffitt, Louisa, Ratliff, Penny Corp Author Japan-America Society of Georgia Atlanta
  • Author's address: The Japan America Society of Georgia, 225 Peachtree Street, Suite 710 South Tower, Atlanta, GA 30303. Tel: 404-524-7399.
  • Date Published: 00-00
  • Notes: Connect to the catalog at the library of the University of Colorado at Boulder. English Printing courtesy of Georgia Power Company. Grant also provided by the Japanese Chamber of Commerce of Georgia. Louisa Moffitt edited the revised edition. Some figures may not reproduce well./ Funding: Japan Foundation, Tokyo. Center for Global Partnership./ Audience: Practitioners/ Teachers Document (RIE) 052 Guides--Classroom--Teacher EDRS: EDRS Price MF01 Plus Postage. PC Not Available from EDRS.
  • Year: 1996

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