part of the Education Reform Networks
Interpreting and Translating in Australia: Current Issues and International Comparisons
This report describes the role and status of interpreting and translation (I/T) training and services in Australia and examines a number of issues that relate to policy formation and service provision. It first describes the context for I/T service needs in Australia, then outlines the history and structure of the field in that country, including the relationship between I/T and Australian language policy, federal, state, and private provision of I/T services, and establishment of national standards and a national certification system.
Author/Creator: Ozolins, Uldis Corp Author National Languages, Literacy Inst, Melbourne
Author's address: Language Australia, GPO Box 372 F, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 3001
Date Published: 00-00
Notes: Search the catalog at the library of the University of Colorado at Boulder.
ISBN: 1-875578-83-8
Document (RIE)
141 Reports--Descriptive
EDRS: EDRS Price MF01/PC06 Plus Postage.
Year: 1998
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